
Logs.tf is a Team Fortress 2 log parser and stats generator. It was publicly released in November 2012.

It is currently the most popular competitive stats website for Team Fortress 2, with tens of thousands of players checking the site each month.

Logs.tf API key

To retrieve your API key, visit Upload logs page when logged in. This key is used for uploading logs from TF2 server plugins and other uploaders.

Automated upload: TF2 Server plugins

How to install
  1. Download the plugin and extract it into temporary location.
  2. Most servers have FTP access into TF2 directory. Check your server control panel for info. Open Windows Explorer and point it to provided IP address, e.g.
  3. Upload the files to /tf/addons/ on the server.
  4. Generate Logs.tf API key on upload page. Add 'tftrue_logs_apikey APIKEYHERE' to /tf/cfg/server.cfg on the server and restart.
  5. Add 'tftrue_logs_roundend 1' to enable updating of logs after every round.
  6. Type !log in chat to view the last log ingame.

Download Documentation

How to install
  1. These plugins require SourceMod. If your server provider does not provide installation from control panel, you can install it manually.
  2. LogsTF auto-uploads the logs, SupStats2 and MedicStats provide more detailed stats and Updater automatically keeps plugins up-to-date. Also cURL extension is needed. Download all of them from here.
  3. Extract plugin files into temporary location.
  4. Most servers have FTP access into TF2 directory. Check your server control panel for info. Open Windows Explorer and point it to provided IP address, e.g.
  5. Upload .smx files to /tf/addons/sourcemod/plugins/. Upload cURL extension files to /tf/addons/sourcemod/ with its directory structure intact.
  6. Generate Logs.tf API key on upload page. Add 'logstf_apikey APIKEYHERE' to /tf/cfg/server.cfg on the server and restart. You can also add 'logstf_midgameupload 1' for updating logs after every round.
  7. Type !log in chat to view the last log ingame.


These plugins automatically upload logs after matches and allow viewing them ingame.


1. Access logs directory of your TF2 server
  • Most servers have FTP access to TF2 directory. Check your server control panel for info.
  • Open Windows Explorer and point it to provided IP address, e.g.
  • Navigate to /orangebox/tf/logs. Directory structure may vary by server provider.
  • (Make a shortcut to access logs quickly!)
2. Copy relevant log files into your hard drive
  • Sort by date modified to easily find newest logs.
  • Proper logs are usually way over 100 KB.
  • Copy files you want to upload on your hard disk drive.
3. Upload to logs.tf
You can drag and drop log files anywhere on upload page to add logs.

To upload logs, make a multipart/form-data POST request to http://logs.tf/upload. Use these fields:

titleTitle of your log. Max length 40 chars.
mapTF2 map. Optional. Max length 24 chars.
keyYour unique key, see "Logs.tf API key" on upload page.
logfileLog file. Max 5 MB.
uploaderOptional Name of the uploading plugin or software (including version). Max length 40 chars.
updatelogOptional Log ID to update instead of uploading a new log.

Response is JSON with these fields:

successTrue / False
errorDescription of possible error.
log_idID of the log on successful upload.
urlRelative path to the log. e.g. /5100

For more information, add zooob on Steam.

Log data API

Access raw JSON data of logs: http://logs.tf/api/v1/log/<log_id> OR http://logs.tf/json/<log_id>.

Log search API

Access JSON list of logs: http://logs.tf/api/v1/log?title=X&uploader=Y&player=Z&limit=N&offset=N

Any of these fields can be combined together or omitted.

Results are always ordered by log id descending.

Example of comma-separated SteamIDs: 76561197987681768,76561197996199110

titleOptional Title text search (min. 2 characters)
mapOptional Exact name of a map
uploaderOptional Uploader SteamID64
playerOptional One or more player SteamID64 values, comma-separated
limitOptional Limit results (default 1000, maximum 10000)
offsetOptional Offset results (default 0)

Describes a set of additional stats that TF2 server plugin may implement. Spec on GitHub.

  • 1.0 Original supstats.smx features + healing with buffs
  • 2.0 Damage targets, charge with medigun type, medic stats, medkit pickup with real healing amount
  • 2.1 Weapon accuracies