Console | TF2Center Lobby #1281419 | 588487296 |
Console | Leader: AHMET KAYA (76561198861788312) |
Console | Map: cp_sunshine |
Console | GameType: 6v6 |
Console | Location: Europe |
Console | Advanced Lobby: false |
Console | Region lock: true |
Console | Allow offclassing: false |
Console | Balancing: false |
Console | Restriction: None |
Console | Mumble required: false |
Console | Launch date: Thu Oct 31 19:29:11 CET 2024 |
Console | Server: - 5419 | 9290789 |
Blu |
mgl | are we feeling alive? |
Blu |
mgl | glhf |
Red |
bond | gl |
Blu |
mgl | i have a feeling ill crash soon boys |
Blu |
Donald Fart | !rep me |
Console | [TF2Center]: Reporting BLUE SCOUT (SELF): Donald Fart |
Blu |
mgl | im dying boys |
Blu |
mgl | RIP |
Red |
erdemloo | RİP |
Blu |
mgl | can yall sub me? |
Red |
trakker | no |
Blu |
mgl | like my internet is cutting out |
Blu |
Donald Fart | say !rep me in tf2center chat |
Red |
trakker | u said med is amazing |
Blu |
mgl | it is |
Console | [TF2Center]: Reporting BLUE MEDIC (SELF): mgl |
Blu |
mgl | my internet isnt |
Blu |
Donald Fart | now leave so one of us can med |
Console | [TF2Center]: Sub on their way for Lobby#1281419 BLUE SCOUT: userz |
Console | [TF2Center]: Reporting BLUE DEMOMAN (SELF): DEMONIGHT KAYA |
Red |
erdemloo | WAH |
Console | [TF2Center]: Sub on their way for Lobby#1281419 BLUE MEDIC: Lemmy |
Console | Buy premium to support serveme.tf and get access to more servers |
Red |
erdemloo | DEMOMIGHT |
Console | This reservation will end in less than 10 minutes, if this server is not yet booked by someone else, you can say !extend for more time |
Red |
rocky | !extend |
Console | Extended your reservation by 20 minutes |
Red |
erdemloo | what |
Red |
erdemloo | WHAT |
Red |
erdemloo | WHAT |
Red |
erdemloo | ne |
Blu |
:pray: Mercimek | biliyorum kanka |
Blu |
Lemmy | goat |
Blu |
:pray: Mercimek | spy oldugunu |
Red |
erdemloo | güzeldi ellerine sağlık |
Blu |
:pray: Mercimek | ty |
Console | [TF2Center]: Sub on their way for Lobby#1281419 BLUE DEMOMAN: Donald Fart |
Red |
bond | yav bu amk medigi nasil oynaniyor |
Blu |
:pray: Mercimek | pawynmopğawpynmoawy |
Red |
bond | gulme |
Blu |
Lemmy | good riddance |
Red |
erdemloo | mge |
Red |
erdemloo | lol |
Console | WARNING: erdemloo currently playing SPY while not allowed. Switch back to SCOUT within 30 seconds or get punished... |
Red |
erdemloo | IUASDFHNIU |
Blu |
Donald Fart | no offclass. kick |
Red |
erdemloo | !rep me |
Console | [TF2Center]: Reporting RED SCOUT (SELF): erdemloo |
Console | [TF2Center]: Sub on their way for Lobby#1281419 RED SCOUT: Tietus |
Blu |
no | top 5 football comebacks |
Red |
HACÂBİ | vay amq |
Red |
HACÂBİ | sddfghf |
Console | All our servers are now also accessible through SDR (Valve's gaming VPN), type !sdr to view the connect info |
Red |
bond | DUR |
Console | This reservation will end in less than 10 minutes, if this server is not yet booked by someone else, you can say !extend for more time |
Blu |
Donald Fart | DIE |
Blu |
Donald Fart | gg |
Red |
Tietus | GG |
Red |
HACÂBİ | gg |
Red |
bond | gg |