Greece VS Lithuania W1

process, snakewater



18-Sep-2022 21:25:43





Blu 24 10 48 10563 180 0.7 0.5 13494 230 93 0 4 7
Blu 57 27 24 16685 284 3.5 2.4 10749 183 13 5 0 20
Red 21 15 44 11571 197 0.8 0.5 13532 231 71 0 5 4
Blu 1 33 12 906 15 2.8 0.1 5920 101 25 0 0 13
Red 36 19 34 12612 215 1.6 1.1 9719 165 39 17 0 9
Red 20 4 32 12171 207 0.8 0.6 13161 224 63 0 0 4
Blu 39 28 23 12729 217 2.9 1.7 8227 140 43 0 0 25
Blu 42 13 23 15208 259 2.4 1.8 12856 219 26 0 1 6
Red 1 21 21 285 4 1.0 0.0 6069 103 4 0 0 9
Red 38 8 31 13260 226 1.5 1.2 13866 236 91 0 1 6
Blu 24 11 40 10501 179 0.9 0.6 11933 203 172 0 1 4
Red 54 22 25 13280 226 3.0 2.2 10245 174 61 1 0 12
Team Kills Damage Charges Drops Caps Midfights
Red 170 63179 16 2 18 4
Blu 187 66592 25 2 33 7
1 09:43 1 - 0 26 28 4 4 11386 11415 Blu ˅
Blu HELLAS kpn, 7 2225
Red tikkeh 4 1433
Red sh 14 3124
Blu HELLAS συφελησ 6 2115
Blu HELLAS menex 6 2592
Red manic 3 1846
Blu HELLAS J1may 3 2125
Red Haiva 4 2010
Blu HELLAS McLovin 4 2289
Red NeuTronas 3 3002
Blu HELLAS theos 0 40
Red spreijer 0 0
00:28 Medic DeathHELLAS theos killed by manic
00:29 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS McLovin
00:47 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
03:47 Überchargespreijer
03:53 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
04:32 Point CaptureRed captured point 3
05:37 Überchargespreijer
05:38 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
06:16 Point CaptureRed captured point 2
07:08 Überchargespreijer
07:12 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
07:51 Point CaptureBlue captured point 2
08:02 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS συφελησ
08:24 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
08:50 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
09:03 Point CaptureBlue captured point 4
09:26 Überchargespreijer
09:29 Medic DeathHELLAS theos killed by NeuTronas
09:43 Point CaptureBlue captured point 5
09:43 Round endRound win for Blue
2 05:54 1 - 0 7 11 1 1 4412 6282 Blu ˅
Blu HELLAS συφελησ 0 788
Blu HELLAS menex 1 542
Blu HELLAS kpn, 1 708
Red tikkeh 4 2236
Blu HELLAS McLovin 3 1507
Red NeuTronas 1 1049
Red sh 1 263
Red spreijer 0 59
Red Haiva 4 1090
Red manic 1 1585
Blu HELLAS J1may 2 867
Blu HELLAS theos 0 0
10:41 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
10:48 Point CaptureBlue captured point 4
15:33 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
15:40 Überchargespreijer
15:47 Round endRound win for None
3 04:25 2 - 0 14 10 2 1 5279 5922 Blu ˅
Red tikkeh 4 1911
Red manic 2 1042
Blu HELLAS kpn, 3 1787
Red sh 1 981
Blu HELLAS συφελησ 2 765
Blu HELLAS menex 3 1285
Red NeuTronas 1 534
Blu HELLAS McLovin 5 1037
Red Haiva 2 1454
Blu HELLAS theos 0 215
Blu HELLAS J1may 1 190
Red spreijer 0 0
16:55 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
17:05 Point CaptureBlue captured point 4
19:00 Überchargespreijer
19:03 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
19:29 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS J1may
20:08 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
20:22 Point CaptureBlue captured point 5
20:22 Round endRound win for Blue
4 07:29 3 - 0 31 25 4 2 9082 8084 Blu ˅
Red manic 4 1265
Red NeuTronas 5 1735
Blu HELLAS menex 13 2972
Blu HELLAS kpn, 4 1556
Red sh 11 2559
Red tikkeh 1 760
Blu HELLAS McLovin 7 1598
Red Haiva 4 1726
Blu HELLAS J1may 4 929
Blu HELLAS συφελησ 3 1803
Red spreijer 0 39
Blu HELLAS theos 0 224
21:18 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS menex
21:35 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
21:45 Point CaptureBlue captured point 4
21:57 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
22:34 Point CaptureRed captured point 4
22:49 Dropped überspreijer
22:49 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS J1may
23:40 Point CaptureBlue captured point 4
23:51 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
24:18 Überchargespreijer
24:20 Medic DeathHELLAS theos killed by sh
24:32 Point CaptureRed captured point 4
25:37 Point CaptureRed captured point 3
25:54 Point CaptureRed captured point 2
26:00 Überchargespreijer
26:15 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
26:33 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS menex
26:47 Point CaptureBlue captured point 2
27:17 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
27:42 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
27:43 Point CaptureBlue captured point 4
27:49 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS McLovin
28:01 Point CaptureBlue captured point 5
28:01 Round endRound win for Blue
5 02:27 3 - 0 10 12 1 0 3369 3021 Red ˅
Blu HELLAS McLovin 1 450
Red NeuTronas 0 172
Red manic 0 435
Blu HELLAS kpn, 1 497
Blu HELLAS menex 5 1162
Blu HELLAS συφελησ 3 778
Red Haiva 3 757
Red sh 5 970
Blu HELLAS J1may 0 416
Red tikkeh 4 687
Blu HELLAS theos 0 66
Red spreijer 0 0
28:42 Medic DeathHELLAS theos killed by tikkeh
28:57 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS συφελησ
29:06 Point CaptureRed captured point 3
29:53 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
30:23 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
30:38 Round endRound win for Blue
6 01:54 0 - 1 4 9 0 1 1554 2263 Red ˅
Blu HELLAS kpn, 0 321
Red NeuTronas 0 455
Red sh 2 343
Red tikkeh 1 342
Red Haiva 3 696
Blu HELLAS McLovin 1 339
Blu HELLAS J1may 1 192
Blu HELLAS menex 2 512
Red manic 3 375
Blu HELLAS συφελησ 0 145
Red spreijer 0 52
Blu HELLAS theos 0 45
37:18 Point CaptureRed captured point 3
37:25 Point CaptureRed captured point 2
37:40 Dropped überHELLAS theos
37:40 Medic DeathHELLAS theos killed by manic
37:53 Überchargespreijer
38:14 Point CaptureRed captured point 1
38:14 Round endRound win for Red
7 12:53 1 - 1 36 32 7 5 13278 12442 Red ˅
Blu HELLAS McLovin 10 4331
Blu HELLAS menex 10 3317
Red tikkeh 7 2807
Blu HELLAS kpn, 5 1566
Red NeuTronas 5 2237
Red sh 10 2563
Blu HELLAS J1may 5 2137
Red Haiva 6 2455
Blu HELLAS συφελησ 5 1776
Red manic 4 2380
Blu HELLAS theos 1 151
Red spreijer 0 0
38:51 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS J1may
38:56 Medic DeathHELLAS theos killed by manic
39:26 Point CaptureRed captured point 3
39:52 Point CaptureRed captured point 2
40:53 Überchargespreijer
40:59 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
44:30 Überchargespreijer
44:41 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS συφελησ
44:48 Point CaptureBlue captured point 2
45:08 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
45:34 Point CaptureRed captured point 2
45:58 Überchargespreijer
46:04 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
46:07 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS McLovin
46:25 Point CaptureBlue captured point 2
46:42 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
47:22 Point CaptureBlue captured point 4
47:33 Point CaptureRed captured point 4
47:42 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
47:42 Überchargespreijer
48:47 Point CaptureBlue captured point 4
49:00 Überchargespreijer
49:03 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
49:52 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
49:59 Medic DeathHELLAS theos killed by tikkeh
50:03 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS συφελησ
50:22 Point CaptureRed captured point 4
50:40 Point CaptureBlue captured point 4
51:01 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
51:15 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS McLovin
51:17 Point CaptureBlue captured point 5
51:17 Round endRound win for Blue
8 01:27 2 - 1 10 5 1 0 2623 2083 Blu ˅
Blu HELLAS menex 3 688
Blu HELLAS kpn, 5 824
Red tikkeh 3 529
Blu HELLAS McLovin 1 707
Red sh 2 353
Red manic 0 438
Blu HELLAS συφελησ 0 182
Blu HELLAS J1may 1 157
Red Haiva 0 345
Red NeuTronas 0 418
Blu HELLAS theos 0 65
Red spreijer 0 0
51:57 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS menex
52:11 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
52:29 Point CaptureBlue captured point 4
52:31 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
52:54 Point CaptureBlue captured point 5
52:54 Round endRound win for Blue
9 06:48 2 - 1 19 14 3 0 7299 5658 Blu ˅
Blu HELLAS McLovin 4 1733
Blu HELLAS kpn, 7 1346
Red tikkeh 3 988
Blu HELLAS menex 5 1119
Red manic 1 1329
Red NeuTronas 1 932
Red Haiva 6 1435
Blu HELLAS J1may 1 1736
Red sh 3 921
Blu HELLAS συφελησ 2 1323
Blu HELLAS theos 0 42
Red spreijer 0 53
53:31 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS J1may
53:53 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
54:10 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
54:25 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS McLovin
54:27 Medic DeathHELLAS theos killed by Haiva
54:53 Point CaptureRed captured point 3
58:33 Dropped überspreijer
58:33 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS menex
58:35 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
59:46 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
59:52 Round endRound win for None
10 04:35 3 - 1 22 13 2 2 6088 3832 Blu ˅
Blu HELLAS kpn, 5 1459
Blu HELLAS McLovin 6 1011
Red NeuTronas 3 1204
Red tikkeh 3 554
Red sh 3 748
Blu HELLAS menex 4 1527
Blu HELLAS συφελησ 3 599
Blu HELLAS J1may 4 1492
Red Haiva 2 712
Red manic 1 572
Red spreijer 1 42
Blu HELLAS theos 0 0
60:27 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS McLovin
60:53 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
61:09 Point CaptureBlue captured point 4
61:20 Dropped überHELLAS theos
61:20 Medic DeathHELLAS theos killed by NeuTronas
62:11 Point CaptureRed captured point 4
62:21 Überchargespreijer
62:26 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
62:33 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS McLovin
62:55 Point CaptureBlue captured point 4
64:11 Überchargespreijer
64:13 ÜberchargeHELLAS theos
64:24 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS McLovin
64:30 Medic DeathHELLAS theos killed by sh
64:37 Point CaptureBlue captured point 5
64:37 Round endRound win for Blue
11 01:32 3 - 1 8 11 0 0 2222 2177 Red ˅
Red NeuTronas 1 433
Blu HELLAS kpn, 1 440
Red sh 2 455
Blu HELLAS menex 5 969
Blu HELLAS συφελησ 0 227
Red tikkeh 2 365
Red manic 2 304
Red Haiva 4 580
Blu HELLAS McLovin 0 206
Blu HELLAS J1may 2 322
Blu HELLAS theos 0 58
Red spreijer 0 40
65:13 Medic Deathspreijer killed by HELLAS J1may
65:15 Medic DeathHELLAS theos killed by tikkeh
66:17 Point CaptureRed captured point 3
66:19 Round endRound win for Blue
HELLAS theos
Healing63777 (1089/m)
  • Medigun: 25 (100%)
Avg time to build54 s
Avg time before using51 s
Near full charge deaths0
Avg uber length6.3 s
Deaths after charge3
Major advantages lost4
Biggest advantage lost23 s
Heal TargetClassHeals%
HELLAS McLovin1864029
HELLAS συφελησ716011
HELLAS menex1645225
HELLAS kpn,877413
HELLAS J1may1275119
Healing61319 (1047/m)
  • Medigun: 16 (100%)
Avg time to build62 s
Avg time before using57 s
Near full charge deaths1
Avg uber length7.2 s
Deaths after charge4
Major advantages lost2
Biggest advantage lost16 s
Heal TargetClassHeals%
Team Player C K
Red manic 6 11 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 21
Blu HELLAS McLovin 5 15 0 12 0 0 8 2 0 42
Red tikkeh 2 21 0 5 0 0 3 5 0 36
Blu HELLAS J1may 5 9 0 3 0 0 5 1 1 24
Blu HELLAS συφελησ 3 11 0 4 0 1 4 1 0 24
Red sh 14 30 0 8 0 0 2 0 0 54
Blu HELLAS kpn, 16 16 0 4 0 0 0 2 1 39
Red Haiva 11 16 0 7 0 2 1 1 0 38
Red NeuTronas 4 9 0 3 1 0 2 1 0 20
Blu HELLAS menex 18 23 0 9 0 0 4 2 1 57
Blu HELLAS theos 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Red spreijer 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Team Player C KA
Red manic 7 20 0 5 0 0 3 0 1 36
Red NeuTronas 5 10 0 3 1 0 4 1 0 24
Blu HELLAS McLovin 11 18 0 13 0 0 10 3 0 55
Red tikkeh 6 31 0 10 0 0 3 5 0 55
Red Haiva 13 18 0 9 0 2 2 2 0 46
Blu HELLAS J1may 7 14 0 5 0 0 6 1 1 34
Blu HELLAS kpn, 24 30 0 7 0 0 3 2 1 67
Blu HELLAS συφελησ 6 13 0 7 0 1 6 2 0 35
Red sh 17 44 0 11 1 1 2 0 0 76
Blu HELLAS menex 23 37 0 14 0 1 6 2 1 84
Red spreijer 9 9 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 22
Blu HELLAS theos 9 13 0 8 0 0 3 1 0 34
Team Player C D
Blu HELLAS theos 3 4 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 12
Red spreijer 3 9 0 8 0 0 0 1 0 21
Blu HELLAS McLovin 10 7 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 23
Red NeuTronas 13 7 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 32
Red Haiva 17 7 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 31
Red manic 18 13 0 9 0 1 1 2 0 44
Red tikkeh 23 6 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 34
Blu HELLAS συφελησ 21 11 0 5 1 0 0 2 0 40
Red sh 15 6 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 25
Blu HELLAS J1may 21 16 0 5 0 0 1 5 0 48
Blu HELLAS kpn, 8 11 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 23
Blu HELLAS menex 7 10 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 24