Console | TF2Center Lobby #1172039 | 555689027 |
Console | Leader: Cak3 (76561198012633295) |
Console | Map: cp_snakewater_final1 |
Console | GameType: 6v6 |
Console | Location: Europe |
Console | Advanced Lobby: false |
Console | Region lock: false |
Console | Allow offclassing: false |
Console | Balancing: false |
Console | Restriction: None |
Console | Mumble required: false |
Console | Launch date: Wed Sep 15 22:22:16 CEST 2021 |
Console | Server: phoenix.fakkelbrigade.eu:27015 - 5039 | 6623512 |
Blu |
garlic bread | anyone wanna know a good hiding spot |
Blu |
garlic bread | some solly follow me |
Blu |
garlic bread | red saw |
Console | [TF2Center]: Reporting RED DEMOMAN (AFK): y |
Red |
ise4198 | lmfao |
Blu |
garlic bread | demo |
Blu |
garlic bread | kbbq |
Blu |
garlic bread | come to me |
Console | [TF2Center]: Sub on his way for Lobby#1172039 RED DEMOMAN: bl0ke |
Blu |
ffs | bad aim |
Blu |
Greyhunter | !rep our scout |
Console | TF2Center: !rep our scout 1: Greyhunter |
Console | TF2Center: !rep our scout 2: ffs |
Blu |
kbbq | !rep our scout2 |
Blu |
kbbq | !rep our scout 2 |
Console | TF2Center: sub vote: BLUE SCOUT 2 (1/4) [ffs] |
Blu |
garlic bread | !rep our scout 2 |
Console | TF2Center: sub vote: BLUE SCOUT 2 (2/4) [ffs] |
Blu |
Greyhunter | !rep our scout 2 |
Console | TF2Center: sub vote: BLUE SCOUT 2 (3/4) [ffs] |
Red |
br | !rep their scout 2 |
Console | [TF2Center]: Reporting BLUE SCOUT (MANUAL): ffs |
Blu |
Cak3 | !rep our scout 2 |
Console | TF2Center: BLUE SCOUT 2 is already reported |
Console | [TF2Center]: Sub on his way for Lobby#1172039 BLUE SCOUT: Ruri by loli.fye |
Blu |
kbbq | dude |
Blu |
kbbq | again a perma sniper |
Red |
NoraCat | lol |
Console | WARNING: Ruri by loli.fye currently playing SNIPER while not allowed. Switch back to SCOUT within 30 seconds or get punished... |
Console | WARNING: Ruri by loli.fye currently playing SNIPER while not allowed. Switch back to SCOUT within 30 seconds or get punished... |
Console | WARNING: Ruri by loli.fye currently playing SNIPER while not allowed. Switch back to SCOUT within 30 seconds or get punished... |
Blu |
kbbq | first midfight |
Red |
NoraCat | XD |
Red |
bohoc | lmao |
Blu |
kbbq | lmao |
Red |
br | incredible |
Blu |
garlic bread | that right there was the higlight of the team |
Console | TF2Center: Lobby #1172039 closed: MATCH_ENDED |