Console | ETF2L config (2020-01-20) loaded. |
Console | * Please check that the settings are correct for this game mode! |
Console | * You must record POV demos and take screenshots of all results. |
Console | "Whitelist: http://whitelist.tf/11831" |
Console | Remembering RCON passwords is annoying, so from now on you can use !rcon to send commands in chat, for example: !rcon changelevel cp_badlands |
Etasu | aa |
Nirvanapross | etasu este no es tu team |
Etasu | ah cierto |
Etasu | lo siento |
Red |
Ranger Galleto | xD |
Red |
Free Galleto | nirvana |
Red |
Free Galleto | puedes revisar dm |
Red |
Free Galleto | ? |
Nirvanapross | ok |
Blu |
ferruzoft | parece que sreemos 2 en mi team n omas xD |
Red |
Free Galleto | sadge |
Red |
Ricas | brom |
Red |
Free Galleto | quieren jugar asi? |
Blu |
ferruzoft | no tenemos oktra opcion xD por el honor!! |
Red |
Judith The Adversary | I got the clown sighn |
Red |
Judith The Adversary | i meant sign |
Blu |
ferruzoft | danos 5 min que está ingresando uno mas.... se le fue la luz |
Nirvanapross | no demoren ;-; |
Blu |
ferruzoft | si si disculpa |
Console | Anyone playing can download the STV demo's and logs. Visit na.serveme.tf after the match and view the matches you recently played in |
Red |
Judith The Adversary | clown |
Red |
Judith The Adversary | NOOOOO |
Red |
Judith The Adversary | le sacaron los organos |
Blu |
Proxe | :c |
Red |
Judith The Adversary | lo dejaran en una tina con hielo |
Nirvanapross | ferru les queda 2 minutos si no entra el 3 integrante le daran asi no ma |
Blu |
ferruzoft | ok |
Red |
Judith The Adversary | yo no tengo prisa |
Nirvanapross | pero nosotros tenemos un horario xd |
Red |
Judith The Adversary | pero son 2 dias que no? |
Blu |
ferruzoft | si tranqui |
Red |
Judith The Adversary | xd |
Red |
Judith The Adversary | veni aca ferru |
Nirvanapross | mañana se jugaran las semi y finales |
Red |
Judith The Adversary | qe te wo a dar con el clown |
Blu |
ferruzoft | haahh |
Red |
Free Galleto | hoy se juegan todos los loser brackets? |
Nirvanapross | si |
Red |
Judith The Adversary | sex |
Red |
Judith The Adversary | BRUH |
Red |
Judith The Adversary | XDDD |
Nirvanapross | XD |
Red |
Red |
Ricas | judith ser cmo |
Red |
Judith The Adversary | xDDDD |
Red |
Judith The Adversary | hahahah |
Nirvanapross | gg |