#1134265 - L9 vs RED



gilga (TFTrue v4.79)

27-Feb-2021 21:01:34





Red 13 6 17 7324 217 1.1 0.8 7088 210 42 0 0 1 3
Blu 22 11 14 12494 370 2.4 1.6 9174 272 33 0 0 2 4
Blu 19 6 16 5976 177 1.6 1.2 4567 135 18 0 0 0 8
Blu 16 9 25 6464 191 1.0 0.6 5117 151 34 0 0 0 8
Blu 8 8 18 2250 66 0.9 0.4 6816 202 11 0 0 0 4
Red 30 15 16 7911 234 2.8 1.9 5047 149 37 0 0 0 11
Red 27 14 12 8299 246 3.4 2.3 8052 238 3 0 0 0 2
Blu 0 20 13 205 6 1.5 0.0 3916 116 15 0 0 0 3
Red 28 4 16 7853 232 2.0 1.8 5556 164 6 0 25 0 1
Red 17 11 13 5101 151 2.2 1.3 5025 149 16 0 0 0 1
Blu 35 9 17 10060 298 2.6 2.1 7113 210 51 0 0 3 8
Blu 13 5 27 4928 146 0.7 0.5 5972 177 32 7 0 0 4
Red 8 11 17 3732 110 1.1 0.5 4689 139 17 0 0 0 7
Red 23 3 14 10508 311 1.9 1.6 7200 213 29 0 0 1 2
Blu 15 2 13 5315 157 1.3 1.2 5169 153 15 0 12 0 5
Red 16 4 26 6615 196 0.8 0.6 6028 178 57 13 0 0 2
Blu 13 3 19 4881 144 0.8 0.7 9639 285 19 0 0 0 8
Red 0 19 10 140 4 1.9 0.0 3888 115 6 0 0 0 1
Team Kills Damage Charges Drops Caps Midfights
Red 162 57483 13 2 15 3
Blu 141 52573 10 3 16 2
1 01:34 0 - 1 6 18 0 1 2777 4748 Red ˅
Blu OLLIE 0 343
Red Raelyn 4 936
Blu [BS]foungi 0 188
Red judas 2 357
Blu eyekey 1 504
Red klin 1 305
Red log farmer 1 558
Red Fox 4 1440
Blu ᛋᛟᚾᚹᚴᛃᚠᚱᚷᛋ 0 310
Blu mape.sino 1 369
Red MARS^ 2 442
Blu ᛉᚤᛋᛋᚾᚢ 4 1011
Red USING ACCEL :) 3 400
Red quintosh 1 310
Blu L9 musTard 0 52
Blu .messy 0 0
Blu schaffi 0 0
Red gilga 0 0
00:27 Medic Death.messy killed by Fox
00:48 Point CaptureRed captured point 3
01:03 Point CaptureRed captured point 2
01:17 Überchargegilga
01:30 Medic Deathgilga killed by ᛉᚤᛋᛋᚾᚢ
01:31 Medic Death.messy killed by quintosh
01:34 Point CaptureRed captured point 1
01:34 Round endRound win for Red
2 05:36 1 - 1 34 27 3 3 12788 11137 Blu ˅
Blu [BS]foungi 9 4171
Blu OLLIE 3 1571
Red quintosh 3 2028
Red judas 1 772
Blu mape.sino 5 1445
Red Raelyn 4 1772
Blu ᛋᛟᚾᚹᚴᛃᚠᚱᚷᛋ 1 823
Blu eyekey 2 586
Red MARS^ 2 1780
Red log farmer 6 1391
Blu schaffi 6 1764
Blu L9 musTard 2 558
Red Fox 3 1666
Red klin 5 836
Blu ᛉᚤᛋᛋᚾᚢ 6 1832
Red USING ACCEL :) 3 850
Red gilga 0 42
Blu .messy 0 38
02:16 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
02:46 Point CaptureBlue captured point 4
02:51 Übercharge.messy
02:53 Überchargegilga
03:16 Medic Deathgilga killed by mape.sino
03:22 Medic Death.messy killed by klin
04:57 Übercharge.messy
04:57 Überchargegilga
06:52 Übercharge.messy
06:56 Überchargegilga
07:11 Medic Deathgilga killed by schaffi
07:20 Point CaptureBlue captured point 5
07:20 Round endRound win for Blue
3 20:37 2 - 1 79 79 7 7 26678 29370 Red ˅
Blu [BS]foungi 9 5301
Blu OLLIE 9 3324
Red Raelyn 14 3473
Red judas 10 3035
Red quintosh 11 5606
Red klin 1 1571
Blu ᛋᛟᚾᚹᚴᛃᚠᚱᚷᛋ 10 2868
Blu mape.sino 10 2383
Red MARS^ 7 3920
Blu eyekey 8 3403
Blu schaffi 5 2502
Red USING ACCEL :) 15 4216
Red log farmer 13 4426
Red Fox 8 3063
Blu ᛉᚤᛋᛋᚾᚢ 23 5884
Blu L9 musTard 5 927
Blu .messy 0 86
Red gilga 0 60
08:11 Medic Death.messy killed by Raelyn
08:14 Point CaptureRed captured point 3
08:38 Point CaptureRed captured point 2
08:45 Überchargegilga
08:55 Medic Deathgilga killed by ᛉᚤᛋᛋᚾᚢ
09:28 Point CaptureBlue captured point 2
09:34 Dropped über.messy
09:34 Medic Death.messy killed by quintosh
09:50 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
10:08 Point CaptureRed captured point 3
10:18 Überchargegilga
10:38 Medic Deathgilga killed by ᛉᚤᛋᛋᚾᚢ
11:00 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
11:26 Übercharge.messy
11:48 Medic Death.messy killed by Fox
12:15 Point CaptureRed captured point 3
12:16 Dropped übergilga
12:16 Medic Deathgilga killed by schaffi
12:58 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
13:21 Übercharge.messy
13:27 Überchargegilga
13:41 Medic Death.messy killed by log farmer
14:14 Point CaptureRed captured point 3
14:57 Überchargegilga
15:11 Übercharge.messy
15:16 Medic Deathgilga killed by [BS]foungi
16:11 Übercharge.messy
16:30 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
16:52 Überchargegilga
16:54 Point CaptureBlue captured point 4
17:01 Medic Death.messy killed by judas
17:11 Point CaptureRed captured point 4
17:30 Point CaptureRed captured point 3
18:31 Überchargegilga
18:32 Übercharge.messy
18:42 Point CaptureRed captured point 2
18:59 Point CaptureBlue captured point 2
19:14 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
20:46 Überchargegilga
20:48 Übercharge.messy
21:28 Point CaptureBlue captured point 4
27:41 Dropped übergilga
27:41 Medic Deathgilga killed by eyekey
27:52 Übercharge.messy
28:03 Medic Death.messy killed by judas
28:05 Medic Deathgilga killed by ᛋᛟᚾᚹᚴᛃᚠᚱᚷᛋ
28:07 Point CaptureBlue captured point 5
28:07 Round endRound win for Blue
4 03:04 2 - 2 13 19 0 1 5043 5675 Red ˅
Blu [BS]foungi 3 1382
Red quintosh 1 819
Red judas 2 543
Red Raelyn 4 700
Blu mape.sino 1 932
Red MARS^ 0 557
Red klin 0 540
Blu ᛋᛟᚾᚹᚴᛃᚠᚱᚷᛋ 1 287
Blu ᛉᚤᛋᛋᚾᚢ 2 791
Blu OLLIE 0 431
Red log farmer 6 1013
Red USING ACCEL :) 6 1486
Blu L9 musTard 1 364
Blu eyekey 3 350
Blu schaffi 2 506
Red Fox 0 17
Blu .messy 0 0
Red gilga 0 0
29:06 Point CaptureRed captured point 3
29:22 Point CaptureRed captured point 2
30:10 Dropped über.messy
30:10 Medic Death.messy killed by USING ACCEL :)
30:18 Überchargegilga
30:31 Medic Deathgilga killed by eyekey
30:59 Medic Death.messy killed by USING ACCEL :)
31:03 Point CaptureBlue captured point 2
31:17 Point CaptureRed captured point 2
31:21 Point CaptureRed captured point 1
31:21 Round endRound win for Red
5 02:52 2 - 2 9 19 0 1 5287 6553 Blu ˅
Red quintosh 7 1745
Blu [BS]foungi 1 1452
Red judas 2 394
Red klin 1 480
Red Raelyn 4 1030
Blu OLLIE 4 795
Blu mape.sino 2 847
Blu ᛋᛟᚾᚹᚴᛃᚠᚱᚷᛋ 1 593
Red log farmer 1 911
Blu ᛉᚤᛋᛋᚾᚢ 0 542
Blu L9 musTard 0 349
Red gilga 0 38
Red USING ACCEL :) 1 901
Red MARS^ 2 625
Blu schaffi 0 156
Red Fox 1 429
Blu .messy 0 81
Blu eyekey 1 472
32:17 Point CaptureBlue captured point 3
33:08 Point CaptureBlue captured point 4
33:18 Dropped über.messy
33:18 Medic Death.messy killed by quintosh
34:17 Überchargegilga
34:18 Medic Death.messy killed by Fox
34:23 Round endRound win for None
Healing34940 (1036/m)
  • Medigun: 10 (100%)
Avg time to build57 s
Avg time before using57 s
Near full charge deaths0
Avg uber length7.1 s
Deaths after charge1
Major advantages lost1
Biggest advantage lost11 s
Heal TargetClassHeals%
L9 musTard580916
Healing31894 (945/m)
  • Medigun: 13 (100%)
Avg time to build75 s
Avg time before using34 s
Near full charge deaths0
Avg uber length6.8 s
Deaths after charge5
Major advantages lost3
Biggest advantage lost26 s
Heal TargetClassHeals%
log farmer705422
USING ACCEL :)463514
Team Player C K
Red judas 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 0 6 17
Red Fox 1 1 1 2 0 3 3 5 0 16
Red MARS^ 3 3 0 0 1 3 0 1 2 13
Red USING ACCEL :) 5 2 2 1 4 4 2 6 2 28
Blu ᛉᚤᛋᛋᚾᚢ 7 4 2 3 2 5 3 4 5 35
Red klin 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 3 8
Red Raelyn 3 4 3 4 4 1 1 0 10 30
Red log farmer 5 5 6 3 2 3 1 0 2 27
Blu eyekey 1 3 0 3 1 0 2 2 3 15
Red quintosh 5 0 3 2 6 1 3 1 2 23
Blu mape.sino 3 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 5 19
Blu [BS]foungi 4 3 1 0 4 3 1 3 3 22
Blu OLLIE 0 0 4 2 2 3 0 2 3 16
Blu schaffi 0 2 0 2 0 3 2 3 1 13
Blu L9 musTard 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 2 8
Blu ᛋᛟᚾᚹᚴᛃᚠᚱᚷᛋ 1 1 3 1 1 0 1 1 4 13
Team Player C KA
Red judas 2 3 3 4 3 1 3 1 8 28
Red gilga 3 1 2 2 3 3 0 0 5 19
Red Fox 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 5 1 20
Red MARS^ 3 4 0 1 1 3 1 1 5 19
Red klin 3 4 3 2 0 1 2 0 4 19
Red USING ACCEL :) 5 2 2 1 6 4 2 6 4 32
Blu ᛉᚤᛋᛋᚾᚢ 9 4 5 3 3 5 3 4 8 44
Blu OLLIE 0 1 4 4 3 5 0 2 6 25
Red Raelyn 9 6 4 4 5 2 2 0 13 45
Red log farmer 8 6 8 3 7 4 2 0 3 41
Blu eyekey 2 3 0 3 1 0 2 2 4 17
Red quintosh 6 0 4 2 7 1 3 1 2 26
Blu mape.sino 4 3 1 5 1 3 2 1 5 25
Blu [BS]foungi 5 4 3 4 4 4 2 3 4 33
Blu ᛋᛟᚾᚹᚴᛃᚠᚱᚷᛋ 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 5 16
Blu .messy 1 3 2 2 6 2 0 2 2 20
Blu schaffi 0 2 0 2 0 5 2 4 3 18
Blu L9 musTard 0 2 3 2 3 0 1 1 4 16
Team Player C D
Blu [BS]foungi 4 0 2 2 3 0 0 1 2 14
Blu .messy 1 0 2 3 1 1 0 2 3 13
Blu eyekey 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 6 5 13
Blu mape.sino 1 3 1 1 3 0 0 4 3 16
Blu ᛉᚤᛋᛋᚾᚢ 4 3 1 0 5 1 0 2 1 17
Red quintosh 2 3 1 0 1 2 0 3 2 14
Blu L9 musTard 3 0 1 3 6 2 0 2 1 18
Blu schaffi 10 2 6 2 2 3 0 2 0 27
Blu ᛋᛟᚾᚹᚴᛃᚠᚱᚷᛋ 4 1 2 6 2 0 0 4 0 19
Blu OLLIE 3 3 2 5 5 1 0 5 1 25
Red judas 4 2 2 1 3 1 0 0 0 13
Red MARS^ 0 4 2 3 1 2 0 3 2 17
Red log farmer 2 2 1 4 1 1 0 1 0 12
Red gilga 0 3 0 1 1 1 0 2 2 10
Red Raelyn 0 7 0 4 1 3 0 1 0 16
Red USING ACCEL :) 2 4 0 3 1 1 0 2 3 16
Red klin 3 5 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 17
Red Fox 3 5 2 3 4 5 0 3 1 26