TF2Center Lobby #1107641



TF2Center (

17-Sep-2020 11:58:50





Blu 26 4 17 7950 310 1.8 1.5 6351 248 15 0 22 0 0
Blu 18 9 25 4427 172 1.1 0.7 8090 316 16 0 0 0 5
Blu 29 7 23 10860 424 1.6 1.3 8974 350 30 0 0 1 3
Red 31 3 19 8437 329 1.8 1.6 5108 199 18 0 31 0 1
Blu 28 3 28 11116 434 1.1 1.0 4937 192 14 24 0 0 0
Blu 25 11 21 8830 344 1.7 1.2 7266 283 48 0 0 1 4
Blu 13 6 9 4988 194 2.1 1.4 3984 155 16 0 0 0 4
Red 22 15 16 10428 407 2.3 1.4 7409 289 44 0 0 1 7
Red 4 20 17 468 18 1.4 0.2 5878 229 7 0 0 0 4
Blu 1 20 6 182 7 3.5 0.2 3735 145 24 0 0 0 2
Blu 30 14 16 8300 324 2.8 1.9 5766 225 80 0 0 0 4
Blu 17 12 18 7820 305 1.6 0.9 13065 510 16 0 0 0 7
Red 20 9 22 8205 320 1.3 0.9 12625 493 1 0 0 0 5
Red 17 2 24 5966 233 0.8 0.7 4724 184 18 10 0 0 0
Red 18 5 31 4728 184 0.7 0.6 7189 280 35 0 0 0 3
Red 8 1 24 2170 84 0.4 0.3 7258 283 8 0 0 0 2
Red 23 17 13 9940 388 3.1 1.8 5435 212 27 0 0 0 1
Red 19 8 24 11826 461 1.1 0.8 8847 345 26 0 0 0 10
Team Kills Damage Charges Drops Caps Midfights
Red 162 62168 9 1 13 2
Blu 187 64473 14 1 14 2
1 07:25 1 - 0 58 43 4 4 20033 18307 Blu ˅
Red WaaGe 7 1489
Blu sexy medium violet oni 5 2139
Red Fox 3 1974
Red °° 4 1493
Blu bluee 12 3838
Blu Mr. W+M1 6 1144
Red edo- 4 879
Blu Shark/44/16/1/5 6 1878
Blu Smarge 8 2972
Red mental 6 2692
Red fisyyoy_ 6 2432
Blu ❤plz_send_noots❤ 7 2756
Blu corection 4 1592
Red dabeste :'> 7 4600
Blu poíson 10 3587
Red dp. 6 2641
Blu Communist Killing Candy Cactus� 0 127
Red MangoMan 0 107
01:16 ÜberchargeMangoMan
01:17 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by bluee
01:19 ÜberchargeCommunist Killing Candy Cactus�
01:33 Point CaptureBlue captured point 1
02:18 Point CaptureRed captured point 1
02:40 ÜberchargeCommunist Killing Candy Cactus�
02:41 ÜberchargeMangoMan
02:51 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by poíson
03:25 Point CaptureBlue captured point 1
03:50 Point CaptureRed captured point 1
04:06 ÜberchargeCommunist Killing Candy Cactus�
04:20 Point CaptureBlue captured point 1
04:20 Medic DeathCommunist Killing Candy Cactus� killed by °°
04:30 ÜberchargeMangoMan
05:09 Point CaptureRed captured point 1
05:11 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by bluee
05:45 Point CaptureBlue captured point 1
05:54 ÜberchargeCommunist Killing Candy Cactus�
06:23 Point CaptureRed captured point 1
06:44 ÜberchargeMangoMan
06:49 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by Smarge
07:02 Point CaptureBlue captured point 1
07:04 Dropped überCommunist Killing Candy Cactus�
07:04 Medic DeathCommunist Killing Candy Cactus� killed by dp.
07:11 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by Mr. W+M1
07:25 Round endRound win for Blue
2 05:31 2 - 0 43 36 2 1 13894 12884 Blu ˅
Blu sexy medium violet oni 10 2795
Red WaaGe 2 678
Blu corection 8 1923
Blu Smarge 6 1737
Red mental 4 2621
Blu Mr. W+M1 5 1251
Red Fox 6 2135
Red dabeste :'> 6 2027
Red fisyyoy_ 2 1200
Blu ❤plz_send_noots❤ 5 2331
Blu poíson 5 2154
Red edo- 1 612
Red dp. 5 1508
Blu Shark/44/16/1/5 1 844
Blu bluee 2 804
Red °° 9 2053
Red MangoMan 1 50
Blu Communist Killing Candy Cactus� 1 55
08:03 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by sexy medium violet oni
08:30 Point CaptureBlue captured point 1
08:47 ÜberchargeCommunist Killing Candy Cactus�
09:14 Medic DeathCommunist Killing Candy Cactus� killed by mental
09:31 ÜberchargeMangoMan
10:41 Point CaptureRed captured point 1
10:53 ÜberchargeCommunist Killing Candy Cactus�
11:12 Point CaptureBlue captured point 1
11:18 Dropped überMangoMan
11:18 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by poíson
11:44 Point CaptureRed captured point 1
12:02 Medic DeathCommunist Killing Candy Cactus� killed by °°
12:19 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by poíson
12:42 Point CaptureBlue captured point 1
12:51 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by poíson
13:01 Round endRound win for Blue
3 06:38 2 - 1 46 46 4 2 15929 17099 Red ˅
Blu Smarge 9 2990
Red dabeste :'> 2 2325
Red WaaGe 6 1452
Red Fox 7 3062
Red fisyyoy_ 8 2617
Red edo- 3 679
Blu Mr. W+M1 6 1351
Blu ❤plz_send_noots❤ 1 1188
Red °° 12 2900
Blu corection 9 2272
Red mental 7 3218
Red dp. 1 682
Blu Shark/44/16/1/5 5 1293
Blu poíson 10 3865
Red MangoMan 0 164
Blu sexy medium violet oni 3 1883
Blu bluee 3 1087
Blu Communist Killing Candy Cactus� 0 0
13:44 Point CaptureRed captured point 1
13:57 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by poíson
14:14 ÜberchargeCommunist Killing Candy Cactus�
14:25 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by Smarge
14:27 Point CaptureBlue captured point 1
14:59 Point CaptureRed captured point 1
15:40 ÜberchargeCommunist Killing Candy Cactus�
15:45 Point CaptureBlue captured point 1
16:14 Point CaptureRed captured point 1
16:15 ÜberchargeMangoMan
16:35 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by Shark/44/16/1/5
16:51 ÜberchargeCommunist Killing Candy Cactus�
17:08 Point CaptureBlue captured point 1
17:37 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by poíson
18:01 ÜberchargeCommunist Killing Candy Cactus�
18:09 Medic DeathCommunist Killing Candy Cactus� killed by dabeste :'>
18:56 Medic DeathCommunist Killing Candy Cactus� killed by °°
18:57 Point CaptureRed captured point 1
19:00 ÜberchargeMangoMan
19:44 Round endRound win for Red
4 06:02 3 - 1 40 37 4 2 14617 13878 Red ˅
Red dabeste :'> 4 2874
Red WaaGe 3 1109
Blu Mr. W+M1 1 681
Red Fox 7 2769
Blu ❤plz_send_noots❤ 4 1545
Red mental 5 1897
Blu corection 9 2513
Red fisyyoy_ 4 1956
Red °° 6 1991
Blu sexy medium violet oni 11 4043
Blu Smarge 2 1131
Blu Shark/44/16/1/5 1 973
Blu bluee 9 2221
Blu poíson 3 1510
Red dp. 5 1135
Red MangoMan 3 147
Blu Communist Killing Candy Cactus� 0 0
Red edo- 0 0
20:16 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by sexy medium violet oni
20:35 Point CaptureRed captured point 1
20:44 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by bluee
20:51 ÜberchargeCommunist Killing Candy Cactus�
21:04 Point CaptureBlue captured point 1
21:40 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by bluee
21:40 Point CaptureRed captured point 1
22:18 ÜberchargeCommunist Killing Candy Cactus�
22:29 Point CaptureBlue captured point 1
22:40 Medic DeathMangoMan killed by sexy medium violet oni
24:20 ÜberchargeCommunist Killing Candy Cactus�
24:22 ÜberchargeMangoMan
24:44 Point CaptureRed captured point 1
25:22 ÜberchargeMangoMan
25:41 Point CaptureBlue captured point 1
25:50 ÜberchargeCommunist Killing Candy Cactus�
25:51 Round endRound win for Blue
Communist Killing Candy Cactus�
Healing24977 (975/m)
  • Medigun: 14 (100%)
Avg time to build63 s
Avg time before using12 s
Near full charge deaths0
Avg uber length6.7 s
Deaths after charge2
Major advantages lost2
Biggest advantage lost23 s
Heal TargetClassHeals%
sexy medium violet oni324412
Mr. W+M1338013
Healing18237 (712/m)
  • Kritzkrieg: 3 (33%)
  • Medigun: 6 (66%)
Avg time to build65 s
Avg time before using9 s
Near full charge deaths0
Avg uber length7.1 s
Deaths after charge3
Major advantages lost0
Biggest advantage lost0 s
Heal TargetClassHeals%
dabeste :'>304816
Team Player C K
Blu sexy medium violet oni 3 5 5 6 0 5 3 2 0 29
Blu bluee 1 2 7 4 1 2 4 5 0 26
Blu Mr. W+M1 4 0 3 3 0 2 1 1 4 18
Red edo- 0 0 3 1 1 1 0 0 2 8
Red dabeste :'> 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 0 19
Red mental 4 1 7 3 1 1 1 1 3 22
Blu poíson 2 4 1 2 10 0 6 3 0 28
Red WaaGe 6 1 3 2 1 1 0 0 4 18
Blu Smarge 7 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 5 25
Blu Shark/44/16/1/5 3 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 6 13
Blu ❤plz_send_noots❤ 0 0 3 4 7 1 0 0 2 17
Red dp. 0 1 0 2 2 1 1 4 6 17
Blu corection 11 2 4 3 2 2 0 2 4 30
Red fisyyoy_ 0 4 3 2 6 0 0 0 5 20
Red °° 1 7 1 5 2 2 3 9 1 31
Red Fox 1 3 4 5 2 2 0 1 5 23
Red MangoMan 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 4
Blu Communist Killing Candy Cactus� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Team Player C KA
Blu sexy medium violet oni 3 6 8 7 1 5 4 2 0 36
Blu bluee 1 2 8 4 2 2 4 5 2 30
Blu Mr. W+M1 6 1 3 4 3 3 1 1 5 27
Blu Shark/44/16/1/5 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 8 19
Red edo- 0 0 3 1 2 1 0 0 2 9
Red dabeste :'> 4 4 3 5 5 2 1 2 1 27
Red mental 6 6 10 5 1 2 1 2 4 37
Red Fox 3 3 7 7 5 4 0 2 9 40
Blu poíson 2 4 1 4 10 0 7 3 0 31
Blu ❤plz_send_noots❤ 2 0 5 5 7 2 2 3 3 29
Red WaaGe 7 1 5 4 1 1 0 0 4 23
Blu Smarge 8 4 6 3 1 2 2 4 6 36
Red MangoMan 2 2 4 1 6 1 0 1 7 24
Red dp. 0 1 0 2 2 1 1 4 8 19
Blu corection 15 3 5 4 4 2 2 3 6 44
Red fisyyoy_ 1 6 4 5 7 0 0 0 6 29
Blu Communist Killing Candy Cactus� 1 3 4 3 4 2 0 3 1 21
Red °° 2 7 2 5 3 2 3 9 1 34
Team Player C D
Red dabeste :'> 3 1 3 6 4 1 0 4 2 24
Red °° 2 4 1 2 0 0 0 5 3 19
Red dp. 5 5 4 0 2 6 1 1 0 24
Blu poíson 4 3 6 0 5 5 2 1 2 28
Red WaaGe 11 7 4 3 0 3 0 1 2 31
Red edo- 3 2 3 5 3 0 0 6 1 24
Blu Smarge 1 1 0 3 4 3 1 7 1 21
Blu Mr. W+M1 3 7 3 3 3 4 0 1 0 25
Red mental 2 2 0 5 0 1 0 2 4 16
Red fisyyoy_ 2 1 0 0 7 1 0 1 10 22
Blu corection 6 4 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 16
Red MangoMan 0 2 1 3 0 1 0 4 6 17
Red Fox 2 1 2 5 1 0 0 2 0 13
Blu bluee 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 9 4 17
Blu sexy medium violet oni 2 3 1 3 2 5 0 5 2 23
Blu ❤plz_send_noots❤ 1 1 1 2 6 2 1 2 2 18
Blu Communist Killing Candy Cactus� 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 6
Blu Shark/44/16/1/5 1 1 2 1 0 2 0 2 0 9