Console | TF2Center Lobby #1055168 | 504530870 |
Console | Leader: baron (76561198158684159) |
Console | Map: cp_sunshine |
Console | GameType: 6v6 |
Console | Location: Europe |
Console | Advanced Lobby: false |
Console | Region lock: false |
Console | Allow offclassing: false |
Console | Balancing: false |
Console | Restriction: None |
Console | Mumble required: false |
Console | Launch date: Wed Feb 26 14:26:33 CET 2020 |
Console | Server: new.fakkelbrigade.eu:27065 - 5168 | 5615298 |
опорожнить | !rep me |
Console | [TF2Center]: Reporting BLUE SCOUT (SELF): опорожнить |
Red |
Mansikki | mlozdier: i dont know most biased demo than mansikki btw |
Console | [TF2Center]: Sub on his way for Lobby#1055168 BLUE SCOUT: greenlight |
Console | [TF2Center]: Reporting BLUE SOLDIER_ROAMER (AFK): amp-t |
Console | [TF2Center]: Sub on his way for Lobby#1055168 BLUE SOLDIER_ROAMER: amp-t |
Red |
terra | gotta bm em |
Blu |
tXX | I'll send my army to destroy you if you insist on bm'ing |
Blu |
tXX | aka crx3 |
Blu |
baron | epic frag |
Blu |
baron | double |
Blu |
amp-t | vibe check status: {currently vibing} |
Red |
Hyzze | rup bb |
Blu |
morechkyn | orange roller (Score:20) defeats baron (Score:19) in duel to 20 on Gullywash Middle |
Red |
terra | hf |
Blu |
morechkyn | u 2 |
Red |
fliq | its vibe o clock |
Blu |
tXX | Detoed: sometimes i feel i have 8 spectators in my team |
Blu |
baron | oh we all died |
Blu |
baron | ok |
Blu |
morechkyn | gg |
Blu |
morechkyn | this a gg |
Blu |
tXX | Detoed: sometimes i feel i have 8 spectators in my team |
Blu |
tXX | *DEAD* nation! : my team is fulled with csgo bots |
Blu |
greenlight | wtf |
Blu |
greenlight | YO MED |
Console | Remembering RCON passwords is annoying, so use !rcon to send commands in chat, for example: !rcon changelevel cp_badlands |
Blu |
baron | tf is our med doing |
Blu |
crx3 | Mode fdp activE |
Blu |
baron | gj med |
Blu |
baron | !rep our roamer |
Console | TF2Center: sub vote: BLUE SOLDIER_ROAMER (1/4) [amp-t] |
Blu |
morechkyn | !rep our roamer |
Console | TF2Center: sub vote: BLUE SOLDIER_ROAMER (2/4) [amp-t] |
Console | TF2Center: 10 seconds left before expiring sub vote: BLUE SOLDIER_ROAMER (2/4) [amp-t] |
Console | TF2Center: 10 seconds left before expiring sub vote: BLUE SOLDIER_ROAMER (2/4) [amp-t] |
Blu |
morechkyn | gg |
Blu |
baron | nice lobby |
Blu |
crx3 | GG EZ FOR BARON |
Blu |
baron | ikr |
Blu |
morechkyn | !rep me |
Console | [TF2Center]: Reporting BLUE DEMOMAN (SELF): morechkyn |
Blu |
morechkyn | cya fags |
Blu |
crx3 | !RCON QUIOT |
Blu |
crx3 | !rcon quit |
Blu |
tXX | !who |
Console | Reservation created by: 'baron' |
Blu |
baron | ? |
Blu |
baron | end? |
Blu |
tXX | baron end |
Blu |
baron | ok |
Blu |
baron | !end |
Console | Ending your reservation... |