Console | Remembering RCON passwords is annoying, so use !rcon to send commands in chat, for example: !rcon changelevel cp_badlands |
Console | TF2Center Lobby #1034521 | 496246548 |
Console | Leader: чuкu6аm6ог (76561198832785585) |
Console | Map: koth_product_rcx |
Console | GameType: 4v4 |
Console | Location: Europe |
Console | Advanced Lobby: false |
Console | Region lock: false |
Console | Allow offclassing: true |
Console | Balancing: false |
Console | Restriction: None |
Console | Mumble required: false |
Console | Launch date: Sat Nov 09 15:26:14 CET 2019 |
Console | Server: bolus.fakkelbrigade.eu:27065 - 5521 | 5440607 |
Red |
fat | this is a disgusting stack |
Blu |
metalgearfan142 | 1 hp xd |
Blu |
metalgearfan142 | sorry demo |
Red |
fat | metalgear fan wanna switch team? |
Blu |
metalgearfan142 | umm |
Blu |
metalgearfan142 | why? |
Console | [TF2Center]: Reporting BLUE SOLDIER (AFK): БОЕВОЙ КАБАН |
Blu |
metalgearfan142 | i think i in blu? |
Red |
fat | i dont like this stack |
Red |
:) | who is stacked_ |
Blu |
metalgearfan142 | i stacking |
Red |
fat | bruh look at the teams |
Red |
:) | as in 4v2_ |
Red |
fat | u know what a stack is |
Red |
:) | yeah i just dont understand what u mean |
Blu |
metalgearfan142 | is not true match we waiting blu team |
Red |
fat | alright nvm |
Console | [TF2Center]: Sub on his way for Lobby#1034521 BLUE SOLDIER: БОЕВОЙ КАБАН |
Red |
profix | hello i just joined a free slot |
Blu |
metalgearfan142 | Cool |
Blu |
metalgearfan142 | medic is Ded! |
Blu |
qubek. | !rep me |
Console | [TF2Center]: Reporting BLUE DEMOMAN (SELF): qubek. |
Console | [TF2Center]: Sub on his way for Lobby#1034521 BLUE DEMOMAN: man |
Red |
profix | man with the huge play |
Blu |
man | yes |
Blu |
metalgearfan142 | yeeee |
Blu |
metalgearfan142 | we win |
Blu |
metalgearfan142 | ye |
Blu |
metalgearfan142 | why i need pusH? |
Console | All players can download the STV demos and logs. Visit serveme.tf after the match and view the matches you recently played in |
Blu |
man | ok |
Red |
mora | ヽ($ ͟ʖ$)ノ |
Blu |
Chubais | !rep our skot |
Red |
mora | gg |
Blu |
чuкu6аm6ог | !rep our scout |
Console | TF2Center: sub vote: BLUE SCOUT (1/4) [metalgearfan142] |